Advertise with us

Advertising with Cville Rentals is a cheap and effective way to get the word out online. Hundreds of people visit this site each month, mostly from search engines, using terms like "charlottesville rental properties" or "central virginia rental". These are targeted visitors searching for what you have to offer: housing.

Advertising options

  • Title sponsor:
    Includes a photo or slideshow on the homepage, prominent frontpage text highlighting your listing and several pages about the listing, including text, pictures, a map and more. These pages will be linked from each other page on the site. (This option would be best for someone with multiple properties who would benefit from near constant advertising) Currently Available.
    cost: $450 / year

  • Plain Ad:
    Do you only want to be listed on the
    rental homes page? Contact us with the verbiage and we'll put it up. Cost is $5 via paypal.
    cost: $5 / 3 months

    None of these meet your needs? Let us know! We can do a custom proposal, including your own page or set of pages.

To advertise, simply contact us.

Stats About

Greg Stierle | C-ville Rentals | 502-599-5533 |